Friday, February 27, 2009

34 Weeks...have mercy

At my last ob apptmt (a week ago), the doc estimated that Moo is already weighing in at 6.5 lbs. O..M...G...and still a month left to go. I really don't think my body can handle getting any bigger...I have long since lost sight of my Flintstone sized feet, I no longer turn around in front of the mirror to get a glimpse of my derriere, there's no point, I already know the answer to the question does this make my butt look big...yes, indeedy. I have a waddle that could easily fool a passel of Emperor Penguins into thinking that I'm one of them. I am currently sporting a lovely skin tone that could only be described as fishbelly white and so I laughed long and hard when K suggested that don one of my old bikinis and join himself and Pig during her Saturday morning baby swim class. AND, because I wasn't beautiful enough, I've also caught bacterial conjunctivitis (aka pinkeye) from Pig and am now walking around with swollen, bloodshot eyes, oozing yellow and green discharge from the tearducts.

Oh yeah, I know you want a piece of this now.

Pig's pinkeye is doing much better thank goodness, she's on antibiotics and responding well. I will hopefully get treatment tomorrow from my GP. In the meantime, we're hoping that K stays pinkeye free, we've got separate towels and several bottles of hand sanitizer around, so fingers crossed.

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