Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My body is slowly falling apart. My immune system no longer works for me. It protects Moo and that's about all it can do these days. So anything Pig brings home, I end up catching too. Sooo, Pig had a sneezy, snotty cold and now I have that same cold. I've been waking up with burning sinuses and a raw throat, probably from the snoring that has started up recently. K and I must put on quite a recital every night, must sound like dueling chainsaws in our room. If I could sleep in, I'm sure I'd feel better, but it must be a mom thing because once I hear my child's voice, there's no way I can fall back asleep.

Our weekday morning routine these days:

6:30 am - Alarm goes off, K tried to ignore it but I poke him in the back until he turns it off.

7:30 am - K finally wakes up and staggers off to the bathroom to shower. I roll into the center of the bed and try to sleep a little bit more.

8:00 am - The Queen wakes up and plays in her crib. K out of the shower, toweled and robed goes in to greet her with a "Why Hellooooo!" K changes her diaper. I roll out of bed to help select her outfit for the day. K puts her in her highchair.

8:15 am - I give Pig her milk and start putting together her lunchbag, 3 bottles of milk, entree, side fruit or veggies and snack. K has finally relented to taking packed lunches so I put together his lunchbag as well. Today he got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, baby carrots, cheezits, and 2 Pink Lady apples.

8:30 am - K comes down all dressed, sits down to have his bowl of cereal. He takes the dogs out to pee and poo. I give Anoki his medications with a big dollop of peanut butter. K feeds and waters them. I make Pig's breakfast and K feeds her while I clean up the kitchen.

8:45 am - I put Pig's socks on (it's easier when she's sitting in her highchair, less squirming), she gets her mouth and hands cleaned. She walks over to the coat closet to put her coat, hat and shoes on. K gets his coat and shoes on. Big kiss for K and Pig and I stand at the door and wave bye until they're down the street.

9:00 am - Turn on my computer, put dirty dishes in dishwasher and I sit down to my own breakfast.

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