Monday, June 8, 2009

How Doth the Busy Bee....

First week back to to speak...I'm teleworking part-time until Emo arrives to help out. I figured this would be a cinch, Moo is easier to manage during the day. It's like the kid knows. He usually takes one nice long nap but today it's just been a series of short cat naps and fussiness. I'm able to work on my computer while nursing thankfully so I have been able to get things done but I'm worried about what I'll do during a the one I have tomorrow...argh. Lord, I'd like to cash in my brownie points now. I am planning on participating in a big meeting and I don't have no mute button on my landline phone.

K is working late this whole week so I've got Pig pick-up duty. Today was...interesting. I wasn't aware that K wanted me to pick her up until 4:15 pm so I was rushing around getting changed, readying Moo for the trip to his consternation and managed to get to Miss D's 5 pm on the dot. The kids had been playing hard outside so Pig was drenched in sweat and looking pretty pleased with herself. She gaily said her goodbyes to Miss D and one of her little friends (Side Note: Seriously, little kids saying hi and goodbye to each other is by far one of the cutest things ever, they sound just like chipmunks.)

So we're in the car and to keep everybody calm, I've got the Master and Commander sountrack playing. We're listening to Bach when Moo breaks out into song. I hunched my shoulders and concentrate on getting everybody safely home. Then, to my surprise, it became a duet. Pig started screaming at the top of her lungs. It was an I'm-in-pain scream and because I was on the highway, I couldn't stop to see what was the matter. So there I was trying in vain to soothe Moo Domingo and Pig Pavarotti...neither could understand what the hell I was saying but I felt like I had to respond in some fashion. At one point, it sounded like they were trying to out yell each other. Pig would scream, which would render Moo speechless for a few seconds and then vice versa.

After what felt like a millenium, I pulled into our driveway and jumped out of the car to see what was ailing Pig. By this time, I was convinced that she had broken an appendage and was picturing a trip to the same Urgent Care I had visited the week before. I saw that her finger was stuck in the hole of seatbelt buckle and grabbed a tube of A&D ointment thinking I could grease her little fat finger out. I inspected the damage. Dude, the finger wasn't even really stuck. She had jammed it in but was trying to pull it out at a weird angle, hence the pain. I pulled the finger out and Pig glared at me like the whole had been my doing. Relieved I stood laughing until Moo's outrage at his own plight brought me back to earth.

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