Friday, March 2, 2007

Growing Pains

Still very early yes, but already feeling the hormones take over...

First big symptom, very sore breasts. Enough so that I'm aware of them all day.

Second, so very sleepy. Yawning so much and I've been in a fog for the past few days. I've had to listen to my ipod to stay alert...a good mix of Feel Good by Gorillaz has helped.

Third, frequent bathroom visits. Wow, yeah I'm usually a 2-3/day kinda girl. Now I'm 6-7/day.

Fourth, excess saliva. I'm thinking that I'll start talking like Daffy Duck soon, complete with the gleeking (sp?) and sputtering.

Fifth, small aches and pains. Pulling and sudden sharp pains in the lower abdomen, achey lower back.

Heard back from the doctor's office. Beta level on 02/28/07 was 428. Definitely a positive but a low positive. So I went back in today to do another test. Fingers crossed. Should find out later this afternoon.

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