Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dragging my rear....

It is a zero energy day today folks. Not my iron pill, nor a hot shower, high protein meals or a nap are working today. At one point, after bringing up a load of laundry, I realized that I was panting like a little lapdog. I wonder if Moo just rounded out a little bit more today...that one last fetal wrinkle has smoothed out so like his sister he'll emerge covered in very little vernix and looking more like a 3 month old than a newborn.

Meanwhile, I have some deadlines that I have to meet for work. So it looks like I'll be doing some work after Pig goes to bed tonight. My hope was to get away with doing wind down work until my due date but we just started a new project so I'm in until the bitter end.

My parents are here! They picked up some takeout for dinner, my mom scrubbed the kitchen, my dad helped K scrub Pig and I'm feeling myself relax for the first time in months, perhaps the to-do list is doable after all. K is busy this week, working on getting a certification for work and taking kumdo lessons so my parents will be taking over daycare drop off and pick up duty. K's cert exam is this Friday so he's hoping that Moo stays put until then, I have strict instructions not to run around too much until then...and here I was planning on doing some rigorous horseback riding followed by some gravity defying gymnastic tumbling, darn.

Our plan was to eventually recarpet the basement and turn it into a playroom for the kidlets. With Kirb foiling all of our plans, I'm starting to think it might be better to put in laminate flooring and roll out an inexpensive rug. Any accidents could be repaired without having to call in our trusty carpet cleaning man, saving us the $80 it costs us each time we do. We could then put up a gate separating K's office and Kirb's crate from the kid play area. My dad has volunteered to help if K's willing...actually, he volunteered to do it all but my mother and I responded with an emphatic "NO." First, he's a major klutz, having him near a mitre saw would be a bad idea. Second, he's more about speed than ensuring quality job done and K is anal about the flooring in our house. K works slowly but does good work so with my dad's help I figure they could get it done this weekend. If K and my dad could get to work this Saturday during Pig's nap ripping the carpet out, they could spend Sunday putting in the flooring. It'll be an organizational challenge, as they'd have to work in quadrants to avoid having to move all of the furniture upstairs, Pig's current domain but I'm keeping my fingers crossed...mama would be super happy to get that done.

Meanwhile, my mother and I have a date with Moo's things. We'll be washing until the cow comes home (sigh, yeah I'm cringing too, that was a bad bad bad pun, but I'm sleep deprived so that's as good as it gets these days).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just found out that its no longer chicken tender thursdays...they changed it to mondays! Thought u'd wana know for when you come back :P