Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Moo - 19 days

Weight: 7 lbs, 8 ounces, 21 inches

At his 2 week well baby visit we were pleased to find that Moo has exceeded his birth weight and height. Not too surprising, the dude's an eating fiend. He's exclusively breastfed and he'll eat every few hours, in the late morning, early afternoon he'll clusterfeed so the two of us will camp out on the couch and watch episodes of I Love Lucy together for an hour or two. Moo will start off eating voraciously and then fall asleep. I'll pick him up, clean off his face (he's a messy eater) and then burp him and just as I put him back into his bassinet he's back up wanting to finish his meal.

He's still getting used to the weird sensations in his belly so he fusses when passing gas or trying to poop. We keep him unswaddled for most of the morning so he can swing him arms and legs about and get some exercise and then wrap him into a tight burrito so that he can get his late afternoon snooze. He'll sleep for 2-3 hours at a time and then wake up starving. Then he'll start his cluster feeding until it's bed time. I've been trying to tank him up until 11 pm or so and then change his diaper, put him into his nighttime swaddle wrap (an ingenious garment) and take him upstairs. While K is minding him, I'll get my manual pump parts ready just in case I wake up bursting in the middle of the night. Then, I'll tuck Moo into the corner of his Co-Sleeper (he's happier when he can't thrash about) and jump into bed and snap off the lights before Moo changes his mind and decides to burn the midnight oil after all. He'll wake up anywhere between 2-4 am, I'll try the pacifier a couple times and if that doesn't work, pull him out for a nursing. Then he'll sleep until I bring him downstairs and change his diaper and begin our new day.

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