Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kids - Food

Feeding my kids...I feel like most of my days are spent pondering this subject...lately even more so. On one hand, since I'm nursing Moo, I keep myself hydrated and watch what I eat e.g. avoid caffeine and unnecessary medication. On the other, I watch Pig's intake to ensure that she gets a balanced meal every day.

However, determining what this entails is a major point of contention between K and I these days. Our arguments in a nutshell, K doesn't think there's any harm if Pig has junk food from time to time, (e.g. candy, cake, overly sugary cookies like oreos, french fries and the like). Having seen little children her age with rotting teeth, I have a bit time problem with this. In addition, I believe this point in Pig's life is to introduce her to a variety of good food that will shape her palate in the years to come. Until we make them known to her, Pig has no idea that such things exist and will not ask for them. There are so many other wonderful things for her eat, it irks me when people try to give my kid junk...especially since I've been taking such pains to plan and cook her meals. Even more annoying is when someone waves junk food in front of Pig and asks if she can have some...and wonder why Pig starts crying. Pig is not even 2 years old for pete's sake, since when was it ok to give junk to someone that young?

K thinks that I'm being anal and that I should relax about this. He doesn't understand why I insist on the costlier organic milk for Pig. I am fine with being anal about this, I see this as my job as her mom, it's a labor of love. Sure it would be a helluva lot easier just to give her whatever. There are some times when I'm so exhausted that the last thing I want to do is cook. this point, we have to make these decisions for our children, decide what is best for them...our responsibility as their parents.

Finally, I am a firm believer that you really are what you eat. I love what Jamie Oliver is doing in British schools and I applauded during Supersize Me when Morgan Spurlock makes the connection between junk food and bad behavior in schools.

Sure, as they get older, they'll end up having sweets and junk. But by being careful right now, hopefully, when given a choice between fruit and a candy bar, they'll pick the former.

So no, I won't back down on this.

Having said my piece, I've been working on adding some new meals to our family recipebook:

Hoisin Chicken Lettuce Wraps (inspired by a Rachael Ray recipe, lately I'm all about the quick and easy)

Chicken enchiladas or Mexican Lasagna

Cuban style pulled pork or flank steak (my sister got me into this one)

Chicken Puttanesca

Falafel pitas

Edamame and Corn Salad

Portuguese Fish Stew (going to try this one tomorrow, yum!)

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