Friday, May 8, 2009

Moo - One Month

Moo is growing...he's nearly out of his newborn clothes. His face is rounding out and his little rear end is actually a handful, albeit, a small hand. His sock now fit his calves snugly and are so cute a sight that I could spend a whole day slipping socks on and off his little feet...especially the mini crew socks. *Dies from cuteness overload* He nurses just fine so at most I have to pump once a day, usually in the morning if he neglects to drain one side completely during his night feed.

Thankfully, my milk supply has stabilized and I'm producing just enough for his needs. I had some major engorgement issues when my milk first came in and I was blasting the poor kid with a fierce let-down. A foremilk/hindmilk imbalance was the result and poor Moo was producing some gnarly bright green poops, think ectoplasm, instead of the healthy mustard colored seedy concoctions that his sister produced in ample quantities. I started block feeding to ensure that Moo gets the hindmilk, that is, I'd feed him one side for a certain block of time before switching and luckily 90% of the Moo's poopy diapers are a healthy yellowish.

Mr. Moo in a nutshell:

Likes: Eating, sleeping, speed bumps, hanging in his Baby Bjorn, bouncy chair, sleeping on his left side, stretching exercises, foot rubs

Dislikes: Gas, Pooping, Baths, Diaper changes, Clothing changes, Carseats, Tummy Time

Eye Color: Slate-y Blue

Hair Color: Bronze-y brown

Occasionally, after a good feeding, Moo will look up at me with his huge eyes and his mouth will form into a small "o" shape. I love his little baby noises. He chuckles in his sleep. When he gets frustrated he'll yell out "Ay!"

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