Thursday, December 17, 2009


I pump 3-4 times a day, about 15 minutes per session, sometimes more if I find that my yield is dropping. Once in the morning when I wake up, once around 2 or 3 pm and then once right before bed. If I end up pumping really early in the morning, I'll pump around noon and then right before I leave work and then before bed. It's nothing compared to the very insane pumping schedule I had with Pig, first 2 months I pumped about 8-10 times a day, 20-30 minutes each time, and then dropped to 6 pumps at 10 weeks and then to 4 as Pig started solids. I was convinced at the time that Pig would go on a crazy week long milk bender and then blow through all of the milk so I pumped like crazy to keep ahead of her.

K thinks that I should hang up the horns, breast pump horns that is, and start transitioning Moo to formula. Moo is 8 months old and has all the immunities I can give him and he's LOVING his solids. Also Moo has developed two little teeth and has starting chomping on everything, including me. Pumping with an open sore...not good. I freaked the other day while pumping at work when I happened to look down and saw blood pooling in the pump horn.


I'm going to continue until at least his first birthday. I just see his round little face and pillowy little body looking up at me and just can't stop. It's the best thing for him, keeps his bowels healthy and a-movin'. So I'll just gird up my loins for the next 4 months. 4 months, pah! It'll fly by.

If only I could teach him that it's not nice to bite....

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