Friday, December 4, 2009

Save the Babies!

K wanted to know what I wanted for my birthday. So I thought about it. I don't need anything, our house is small so knick knacks are verboten. I prefer to buy my own clothes. I needed a new wallet but I found one on sale and got it myself. At first I was thinking, well maybe I'll just ask him to take us out for a nice dinner....good food and a good convo would make me happy.

As I was driving home from work yesterday, teary from an article I had read about a woman's account of how she lost most of her family to starvation including a newborn infant brother, it hit me. What would make me happiest of all is to feed a hungry child.

I delight in the fact that my children are roly poly. In fact, Mr. Moo has thunder thighs. It reassures me that they're getting enough to eat. Food is love. But with a pang I remember all the excess breastmilk I had when I was pumping for Pig. More than she could consume. I could've fed two kids. I never understood the hoopla over Salma Hayek breastfeeding the little baby in Sierra Leone. The child was crying from hunger and she fed him, what's the big deal? I'd do the same if I could.

So for my birthday I've asked K to donate to our local foodbank's backpack program. I'm also going to contact the foodbank about donating baby formula. But wouldn't it be wonderful if I could follow the food to the child. I just want to make sure that it's actually going into a hungry little mouth.

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