Friday, June 15, 2007

Pig's Half Time Show

Nearly 20 weeks, yee-ha! I'm feeling pretty good. Nausea hasn't been a problem in weeks...neither has constipation so I guess I am going through the honeymoon period of the pregnancy. My growing belly continues to amaze me. Occasionally I'll catch a glimpse of myself lumbering about and do a doubletake, despite the fact that I'm turning 30 this year, I just don't feel old enough to have a kid. K as father is pretty weird too. I mean he loves kids to death but this is the guy that likes to ride the grocery cart like a chariot...I just hope he's ready to relinquish it to the kid. Myself, I still like to chase the dogs around with compressed air cans so I'm not sure what kind of role model I'll be.

Pig's been twirling like crazy. I'm assuming that it's twirling because that's what it feels like...could actually be little baby burps. Poor K really wants to feel Pig move but it seems to happen more in the afternoon when he's not around. So he admitted that he has "pouch-envy." I was amused for two reasons, first, I knew he'd want to be part of that and second, he sees the belly as a pouch, a kind of fanny pack, if you will, housing our child. Every night as I roll around in bed trying to find a comfy spot, K pokes my belly like he's testing for ripeness. Pig doesn't budge. I'm sure he/she is in there scowling as the roof of his/her home is being pushed in for the umpteenth time. I suggested that we put Kirby under his shirt and he could experience it on a very large scale. The suggestion didn't go over very well.

So next week we will hopefully find out we've got a Petunia or a Porky. Very excited.

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