Thursday, May 24, 2007

I figured that I'd want to eat as much Korean food as possible during this pregnancy but this pig only likes Western food. Everyday I test the pig, I visualize the most delicious Korean dishes hoping to get a nice gurgle in response. So far, pig only likes noodles and seafood, particularly raw shellfish (note-I am not eating raw shellfish, I just get a favorable response from pig when I think about it). But then when I think about the teetering sandwiches, soups, piles of pasta, pig gets hysterical...I start salivating, gurgling like a water cooler. I hate to admit but I'm already disgusted thinking of the arguments Pig and I will have in the future:

Pig: Ew, what's that?

Me: It's my favorite thing in the whole wide world, daengan jjigae (bean curd stew).

Pig: Smells funny, I'm not eating it. Let Daddy/Harabuhjee/Emo/Kirby eat it. Why can't I have spaghetti?

Me: Because we had spaghetti yesterday. This jjigae contains all the stuff you like, veggies and tofu (I'm assuming).

Pig: How come Daddy's eating cereal, can I have cereal too?

And so and so forth. I feel like I should force myself to eat it...but with the nausea still lurking, I'm fearful to do anything contrary to what Pig wants.

There's a part of me that thinks well who cares, as long as he/she eats.

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