Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Random Thoughts

Yay, got back from Dr. K. Pig's pediatrician and her clavicle is healing beautifully. She poked and prodded and nary a response from Pig. Huzzah! I asked about her cough which is sounding less baby and more and more Marlboro man. Thankfully, lungs and ears are clear so it looks like it's just a cold that we'll have to wait out. In the meantime, K and I will have to keep Pig as hydrated as she'll put up with and the humidifier running. She had some sleepless nights because of the congestion but last night we gave her a little dose of baby Benadryl and than goodness she was able to get about 9 hours of sleep and seems happier as a result.

Sleep works wonders to restore everything to normal particularly the GI tract, as I know from my vomiting days. Everything relaxes and strengthens and you're able to face another day. I'm embarrassed to admit it but I keep thinking of a chapter I read in All Things Bright and Beautiful or was it All Creatures Great and Small, well it was one of 'em. The vet, Dr. James Herriott, was puzzled by a bad case of doggy diarrhea, the poor poodle just grew sicker and sicker, couldn't keep anything down. So finally, he decided to put her under deep sedation in order to give her spasming insides a chance to calm down. And it worked! I'm thinking of trying that on Kirb the next time his insides go out of order again...which hopefully won't happen for a long long while...I think after this past week, it'd only be fair if the diarrhea fairy never again knocked on our family's door.

I am addicted to the Twilight saga. Yes, sigh, I've succumbed. In fact, I'm anxiously awaiting my shipment from Amazon with the last two volumes, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn and was seriously displeased when I didn't receive it on the promised initial delivery date of the 5th. Do I feel silly ready these books. Yep...because the reality is that I'm actually very anti-mush and if K said any of the thrilling things that Edward says to Bella, to me, I'd likely a) laugh my ass off and b) gag. However, in print, it just rocks the world of the little teenager that I guess I still have in me.

Listening to: Angel by Massive Attack, to go with the dreary weather here in the nation's capitol.

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