Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sleep...I miss you so

Still got pinkeye, hopefully the drops I'm using will wipe it out soon. In the meantime, I wake up twice to clean the goop oozing out of my eyes and go down to the kitchen to rummage around for something cool to relieve my sore throat. Perhaps nature's way of preparing me for Moo.

Methinks Pig is cutting another pair of teeth, most likely her molars. She's been whiny as of late and prone to sudden bursts of irritability and clinginess, strange for our usually sunny, independent little child. Today for instance, we sat her in her high chair, on the menu, boneless pork chops with a balsamic honey mustard glaze, rice and green salad. (Side note: I've always been afraid of boneless pork chops but finding it easier and easier each time, the trick being to find the thickest chop, pan searing and finishing in the oven with onions and a nice thick glaze)

Our pediatrician encouraged us to let Pig feed herself more and more so she could achieve that heady feeling of triumph that comes with successfully using utensils. So our practice these days has been to give Pig her own spoon and we'd do the primary feeding with another spoon. Pig already in a bad mood, immediately hurled her spoon to the floor. We said bye-bye to that spoon. K tried to feed with the spoon he was holding and girlfriend had a major cow. Started pushing her dad's hands away and flicking the food out of it. After a few tries, we decided to let her chill on her own. We continued eating and chatting as she yelled and whined and made funny faces and finally threw her high chair tray to the ground. We said bye-bye to the tray.

It wasn't until I got up to clear the table that she settled down and realized that this meal was marching on with or without her. She then proceeded to eat the rest of her meal, granted her daddy helped it along by slathering it with lots of cold applesauce.

Then during her shower, she cried when we stood her in the stall...very unusual, she normally loves any form of bathing. Some whining while her dad diapered and dressed her. It's gotta be teething and judging from the uber-crankiness, it's gotta be the molars. Further proof, my friend E's daughter who's 2 weeks older than Pig is currently cutting her bottom molars and these two chicks have been twins when it comes to their developmental milestones. Also, Pig has been sucking down her nighttime bottles and the other night she slept fretfully, we thought it was a sneaky, nighttime poop but nope, all was clean.

Well back to bed, let's see if I can get in a few more hours.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I finally got your holiday card! Pig looks so adordable, thanks :) Now we know it takes about 3 months for mail from CA to reach my work inbox :P