Saturday, March 7, 2009

Date's been Set

So looks like we have an arrival date for Moo, April 9th, 10 am. I am to report to the hospital at 8 am for lab work and surgery prep. As my sister said after I told her, it's strange to set your child's birthdate, like setting up a fedex pickup time. Also weird, my son's birthdate will be an all purpose household cleanser, 4/09...easy to remember at least.

K is open to having more kids but I am set on only having two. I loved having a sibling so I wanted to give my kids that experience. But as pregnancy has been just way too debilitating for me, I've decided that two is enough for me. I really want to be finished with the childbearing portion of my life so that I can focus on being with the family I have. I spent most of my first trimester holed away in my room, missing out on precious time with Pig and now in this last trimester, I find that I can't keep up with her. Often I watch her play while seated in a chair even though I'd love to just plop on the ground with her.

I do feel sad at times knowing that this time next year, my final baby will be toddling around like his sister is now and that we'll pack up the little onesies and baby toys away for good. I got a little verklempt yesterday as I watched Pig's earlier video clips back before she could roll over. But then I think about all the great things to look forward to, like watching my babies develop into little people.

For example, Pig's language skills sharpen everyday. I can't wait for the day when my child can tell me what she needs from me so that I won't have to guess. One of the hardest things is to guess where she hurts and treating her based on my best guess. I look forward to Pig being able to tell me that she's still hungry or thirsty. Currently, we're not sure if she declines food because she's sick of it or because she's full, there are some days when she'll eat and eat and eat and then I start to wonder if I'm starving her on other days when she only takes a few mouthfuls and quits.

Anyway, back to language skills. For the past few days, Pig has been singing to herself, sounded like total gibberish to me, "eee oooh eee!" She'd sing this over and over. One day, while she was sitting in her highchair ready for her dinner, she started singing again. So just for fun, I repeated it after her. Then she got excited and said in response "oooo ooooh eeee!" Then I realized, dude, my kid's singing the Barney song ("I Love You, You Love Me"). I had known that her daycare provider sang that to her when she had trouble sleeping. So we started singing those two lines over and over again because unfortunately at the time mommy only knew the crude parody version of the Barney song so had to stop after the first two lines.

So needless to say, we're more on the alert in the hopes of picking up more.

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