Monday, March 16, 2009

Random Thoughts

Despite our best efforts, K has come down with the plague as well. He woke up one morning with the telltale goopy eye and had to stay home for two days to avoid spreading it to his coworkers. Now the two of us take turns shaking the bed with our coughs at night. Last night I didn't realize that K was right behind me until he aimed a sharp cough at the back of my head. If was, ahem, a few pounds lighter I might've flown out of bed, instead I unsuccessfully suppressed an expletive from flying out my mouth and rolled about indignantly like a turtle on its back.

I should but I can't stop reading the news. It makes me sick to my stomach, but the incredible gall of some people never ceases to fascinate me, dude, I feel guilty if I don't put the grocery shopping cart back after unloading my purchases. The AIG bonuses, the Madoff ponzi scheme, Cheney's lovely remarks about the state of the economy. But then I get depressed thinking about how I see this on a smaller (yes, much smaller) scale everyday as well. The people in the parking garage at work who never arrive on time to move their car, fully expecting the rest of us to just drive around them, risking damage to our own cars (am I bitter, just a little bit). Also people who will stop in the middle of the road to answer their cell!

Had a weird craving for blue tortilla chips and salsa I went crazy. Let's just say that it's a good thing it was one of the smaller bags from Trader Joe's and not the Costco brand chips...and it was unsalted too! Spivey asked me the other day about the cravings I've been having during this pregnancy. Chocolate! I have to have it in some form every day. I'm normally not a milk drinker but I bought a quart of organic chocolate milk and downed it in two days. Also Hansen's natural cane soda, I can't be without it! I absolutely love the Black Cherry flavor but then discovered the new Pomegranate flavor at Trader Joe's. There must've been some sort of stampede in the soda aisle when this one made it's debut because while the other flavors were being sold by the six pack, had to get this one by the can. I bought one can, finished it that day and of course now it haunts me...I need more.

Pig's poop has taken an even nastier turn. Kris usually changes the #2 diapers these days but the other day I was home alone with Pig and as she ran by me, my super sensitive pregnancy nose caught a whiff of something noxious which I had to investigate. Great Caesar's ghost was it awful. I dry heaved so bad my lower back cracked. We had planned on introducing Pig to the potty in a few months and really seriously potty training when she's close to two....but after meeting that last turd...I dunno, maybe earlier is better.

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