Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Bunny cometh....

Finally got this scanned and just had to share....

I could not stop laughing when I saw this printed out. So we dressed Miss Pig up in pastels to have her picture taken with the mall Easter Bunny. So we get there and start to get apprehensive that the Bunny might scare her....he/she was big and fuzzy and had a huge grin...kinda scared me. So K decided to sit in the photo with her. Now...before we left I told him that he might want to put on something nice, at least a nice shirt because he might end up in the photo with Pig. K goes ahead and puts on....a Battlestar Galactica T-shirt and jeans and his baseball cap.
Some folks have perfect photos taken...well, this is how we roll...we like photos that tell a story. This one just happens to look like a random homeless guy horned in on Pig's Easter Bunny photo.

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