Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Sleep-Deprived Mommy Brain at Work a stupid idiot, I broke a toe on my right foot, the middle phalange I believe it's called. Getting out of the car, wearing my new Ugg sandals, my left foot stepped into a stinky, muddy hole in the ground and in my shock, my right foot slipped off the curb. In my attempt to right myself, the bone snapped. Didn't feel a thing at the time, I mean it ached but I thought it was just the way my foot twisted. It wasn't until I was in our car nursing Moo that I looked down and saw that my toe was leaning in a weird angle to the left. I stared and tried to convince myself that I'd always had that franken-toe...but I couldn't dismiss the huge swelling lump that was growing. So off K and I went to the local Urgent Care facility where they confirmed the break and my toe was bandaged and fitted in a surgical shoe. SOOOOO annoyed with myself. Only a week left before I'm back to work and I had to go and do this, damn it, I was looking forward to going for long walks with Moo. a stupid idiot, I had thought Pig's daycare was open yesterday. Her provider had gone on vacay the week before and it seemed logical to me that she would be open on Monday. Well off K and Pig went. I was thoroughly exhausted from a long night of hanging out with Mr. Moo or as he is also known, He-Who-Hates-to-Fart-Alone and was sitting on the couch nursing him when I see K and Pig approaching the front door.  Doh.  It was a long day. Pig is now a racing pig and I of course with my bum toe, am no match for her.  While Moo napped, Pig and I sat and played blocks, barked at Kirby, popped styrofoam toast out of a play toaster, sang, danced (well, Pig danced, I swayed), and assembled a wooden puzzle.  Finally, I got both kids down at the same for a nap and as I settling onto the couch for a short snooze as well...the phone rang...Moo woke up and cried out, which in turn roused his sister.  Argh.  

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