Thursday, December 17, 2009


I pump 3-4 times a day, about 15 minutes per session, sometimes more if I find that my yield is dropping. Once in the morning when I wake up, once around 2 or 3 pm and then once right before bed. If I end up pumping really early in the morning, I'll pump around noon and then right before I leave work and then before bed. It's nothing compared to the very insane pumping schedule I had with Pig, first 2 months I pumped about 8-10 times a day, 20-30 minutes each time, and then dropped to 6 pumps at 10 weeks and then to 4 as Pig started solids. I was convinced at the time that Pig would go on a crazy week long milk bender and then blow through all of the milk so I pumped like crazy to keep ahead of her.

K thinks that I should hang up the horns, breast pump horns that is, and start transitioning Moo to formula. Moo is 8 months old and has all the immunities I can give him and he's LOVING his solids. Also Moo has developed two little teeth and has starting chomping on everything, including me. Pumping with an open sore...not good. I freaked the other day while pumping at work when I happened to look down and saw blood pooling in the pump horn.


I'm going to continue until at least his first birthday. I just see his round little face and pillowy little body looking up at me and just can't stop. It's the best thing for him, keeps his bowels healthy and a-movin'. So I'll just gird up my loins for the next 4 months. 4 months, pah! It'll fly by.

If only I could teach him that it's not nice to bite....

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Sweetest Thing

My sister took this pic of Moo and I at the park. He has the sweetest smile, so very disarming even in the middle of the night, when I'm grumpy and exhausted. I love entering a room and seeing his little face light up.

That sound you hear? It's of my heart bursting....

Friday, December 4, 2009

Save the Babies!

K wanted to know what I wanted for my birthday. So I thought about it. I don't need anything, our house is small so knick knacks are verboten. I prefer to buy my own clothes. I needed a new wallet but I found one on sale and got it myself. At first I was thinking, well maybe I'll just ask him to take us out for a nice dinner....good food and a good convo would make me happy.

As I was driving home from work yesterday, teary from an article I had read about a woman's account of how she lost most of her family to starvation including a newborn infant brother, it hit me. What would make me happiest of all is to feed a hungry child.

I delight in the fact that my children are roly poly. In fact, Mr. Moo has thunder thighs. It reassures me that they're getting enough to eat. Food is love. But with a pang I remember all the excess breastmilk I had when I was pumping for Pig. More than she could consume. I could've fed two kids. I never understood the hoopla over Salma Hayek breastfeeding the little baby in Sierra Leone. The child was crying from hunger and she fed him, what's the big deal? I'd do the same if I could.

So for my birthday I've asked K to donate to our local foodbank's backpack program. I'm also going to contact the foodbank about donating baby formula. But wouldn't it be wonderful if I could follow the food to the child. I just want to make sure that it's actually going into a hungry little mouth.