Monday, September 10, 2007

32 weeks

Well, ok really 31 weeks and 6 days. And the pic above is of me 3 weeks ago, but you get the idea, I am round every where (big bump, pillowy arms, puffy caboose) and my feet have been reduced to little swollen hooves. I can move fast if I have to but my default gait these days is a slow ambling toddle. I've decided that I look like a walking milk carton. But, I can see the bottom of my belly button which is pretty cool. I woke up one day and found that I now have an outtie.

Third trimester has been an interesting one. Went to the emergency room due to bad palpitations and shortness of breath, went through a ton of tests and long story short, I am now working from home for most of the work week. And boy is it nice not to have to take that damn train in. I don't feel as sick, I'm less tired, more productive so I'm lucky to be able to have this arrangement.

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