Monday, December 10, 2007

Pig - 4 weeks, 4 days

10 lbs 9 ozs, 23 inches

Pig went to her one month ped visit today, she's continuing to grow, an extra pound and inch since her last visit, so yay booby milk! She doesn't like shots, not that anyone enjoys them, but I was kinda hoping that she'd be stoic about doctor visits....since her omma is such a wimp about hearing her cry. Speaking of crying, there was one little girl, I'd say about a year old at least judging from her cries who was screaming at the top of her lungs while the doc was examining her. When I say screaming, I mean bloody murder, hair raising, cold sweat inducing screams. Holy pig. Papa Pig wasn't fazed by it but I sat there and realized that if I don't develop a thick skin fast, my kids are going to have me wrapped around their little fingers. All it would take is one loud public tantrum and I'd prob'ly do anything to make them stop, run amok, start throwing cash in their screaming direction. I can be pretty stern but that's when it's just normal whining, once they start sounding like a teakettle, all bets are off.

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