Saturday, January 24, 2009

Need a new home for Kirby

After a lot of agonizing we've decided to look for another home for Kirby the lab. K and I are sad about it, he's been with us for nearly 6 years and while he's a big dork, he's a lovable dork and he's still part of our family and it's hard to think of letting him go. But...
Our priorities have changed. With a second baby on the way, we need every last square inch of our house and currently Kirb and Anoki completely occupy our basement. We don't devote as much time to the dogs as we used to. Our weekends used to consist of trips to the dog park and beach. I used to buy special treats for them and plan out their Halloween costumes. Not anymore. Also, every trip we take out of town means having to leave them with our dogsitters...two dogs, three visits a day for 1-2 weeks at a time..means a whole chunk of change. Also, Anoki is sick and getting sicker, the swelling on his head grows and calcifies so we're thinking he doesn't have much time left either. Kirby will drop even lower on the totem pole of piorities as we look after his brother.
We're being very picky about finding him a new home and I've been relying primarily on word of mouth. I did answer one ad in because it honestly seemed too good to be true. A family living on a horse farm was looking for another dog (lab or boxer). The couple both worked from home and could take Kirby out for at least 3 long walks and more if needed. We started exchanging emails and things were looking good and we were about to set up a meeting but then at the very end, they found another dog they liked so that lead fell through. Sigh. Kirby would've loved a farm...apparently they have a stream running through their property as well. Sigh. Kirby loves splashing.
So we're back where we started.

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